Social Impact

Here's how to choose a charity to support, from defining your values to choosing a cause to ensuring your chosen organization is effective.
You don't have to make an extravagant purchase or elaborate plan to create change. Here are 25 small acts that can have a great impact!
We want to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, but what if you can't afford to help? Here's how to support the SDGs w/o money!
Wondering how you can help the BLM movement? Here are 5 easy ways to support Black Lives Matter and become an ally of the black community.
Looking for Earth Week or Earth Day tips to help our planet? Look no further! We've got all the best environmental tips right this way.
Looking to do more to help during the coronavirus pandemic than just staying at home? Here's a list of great organizations to help out.
In the Spring of 2018, 35 students created world changing solutions for one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): good health and well-being. With guidance from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the World Health Organization (WHO), they created several crowdsourced solutions for non-communicable ailments. One of the winners, “At Your Cervix,” joined the...
Recycling is great, and we all know it. But, how does recycling help the environment? Here are the important benefits of recycling.
Do you have climate action ideas or thoughts about how to reduce the effects of climate change? Pitch your climate change ideas on Goodwall!
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