25+ Best Jobs for Introverts: Top Careers for the Reserved & Reflective

Are you an introvert struggling to find your career calling in such an extroverted world? Here are 25+ of the best jobs for introverts to consider!


Are you an introvert trying to find your career calling in what seems like an increasingly extroverted world?

You’re not alone!

You might think that searching for an ideal job for introverted people is a daunting task, but there are way more options than you may imagine. In this guide, we’ll give you dozens of great job titles and industries perfectly suited for introverts of any kind, as well as detailed descriptions as to why those particular jobs fit introverted personalities well.

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But, before we get started— 

What Do We Mean by Introverts?

Contrary to what many people think the term “introversion” might mean, being an introvert does not necessarily make you shy, anxious, distrustful of others, or preferring to be alone. While introverts may also be shy, it’s not always the case, as shy people may want to interact with people a lot but just lack the confidence to do so. 

As Psychology Today puts it, “Introversion is a basic personality style characterized by a preference for the inner life of the mind over the outer world of other people. One of the Big Five dimensions that define all personalities, introversion sits on a continuum at the opposite end of which is extroversion. Compared to extroverts, introverts enjoy subdued and solitary experiences.”

And, as the span between extroversion and introversion is a continuum, each person is different from the next, with their own unique sets of characteristics, personality traits, and identifying preferences. In a sense, most of us are ambiverts, which means we fall somewhere in between full-on extroversion or introversion.

For example, I, myself, identify as slightly more on the introvert side of the scale. I love being around people, and I can get quite talkative when I’m in my element. However, as with many introverts, I require periods of solitude between these public interactions, as they can get quite draining for me, emotionally and even physically. I also tend to overthink things, such as dwelling for hours whether my short Slack message response to a coworker might be misinterpreted as curt. And, I prefer to remain away from being in the center of attention (though this also has to do with slight social anxiety). 

Most introverts will appreciate time to themselves for introspection and to get their thoughts in order. And, while they may not prefer to be alone at all times, an introvert will likely need at least some time to let their imaginations and ideas go their course.

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Which Jobs Are Best for Introverts?

So, the most important thing to remember is that jobs for introverts aren’t necessarily jobs for shy people, and vice versa. While many jobs may appeal to both groups, just as with the intersection of a Venn diagram, there are plenty of career opportunities introverts may find agreeable that shy people will steer clear of.

Also, as we mentioned earlier, when it comes to introversion and extroversion, most people aren’t usually either-or, but rather somewhere in between, perhaps closer to one side of the spectrum. For this reason, there are jobs that may work for some introverted individuals which may not work for others.

However, many introvert-friendly jobs share similarities, such as:

  • More independence and autonomy on everyday tasks;
  • Workplaces where one can avoid large and/or loud groups of people;
  • Environments where public speaking is minimal or not required;
  • Non-leadership roles, or, at least, leadership over smaller teams;
  • Reduced risk of confrontation or arguments;
  • Time and space to give personal and professional thoughts an outlet; 
  • Focused, solitary work over group collaboration; and
  • Work that values ideas and thoughts over impulsivity and rigid structure.

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25+ Best Jobs for Introverts

In our list of the best jobs for introverts below, we give over a dozen great ideas of introvert-friendly employment. Then, we also explain why that particular job title may be a good fit for some introverts, with any warnings that may be appropriate, as well.

So, let’s finally get to it, shall we?

Here’s our list of the best jobs for introverts:

1. Graphic Design

graphic designer jobs are some of the best jobs for introverts
Graphic designer jobs are some of the best jobs for introverts.

Graphic design work is one of the quintessential introvert jobs, as it ticks many of the boxes. For those very introverted, you can find graphic design work by contract, where a client pays you to design their new website or asks you to come up with 50 images in one batch. This way, you’ll have the bare minimum of human interaction and can focus on your quality work.

For those of you who are only slightly introverted, you can work as a graphic designer in a media or startup environment. There, you’ll get some of the social interaction you require, such as at ideation meetings and project updates, but without being too much, as you’ll still be allotted your own time and space to get your work done.

2. IT Development

Information technology, or IT for short, covers a wide range of job titles, of course. However, development (e.g., back-end, front-end, full-stack, web, software) is the very essence of IT work and also some of the very best career options for introverted individuals.

Many developers will have meetings, sometimes multiple times every day, which can be a boon or a burden, depending on your level of introversion. But, you’ll still get to spend many hours per day working alone with autonomy and independence, a much needed quality for most introverts looking for jobs. And the pay in IT is hard to match!

3. Web Content Writing or Blogging

Writing jobs make perfect careers for introverts and those with social anxiety
Writing jobs make perfect careers for introverts and those with social anxiety – I know from experience!

Writing can be a great type of work for introverts. Whether penning blog posts, landing page copy, case studies, press releases, or other texts, you’ll have minimal interaction with your coworkers, for the most part, and plenty of room to let your imagination wander. Depending on your need for socialization while at work, you can choose smaller or remote writing jobs or copywriting at a large startup where you’ll have many friends around when you want or need them.

In the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, author Susan Cain writes, “[Introverts] welcome the chance to communicate digitally. The same person who would never raise his hand in a lecture hall of two hundred people might blog to two thousand, or two million, without thinking twice. The same person who finds it difficult to introduce himself to strangers might establish a presence online and then extend those relationships into the real world.”

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4. Accounting

If you’re an introvert who’d prefer to work with numbers and hard data, accounting might be a great job for you. While many finance jobs, especially in investment banking and in the corporate world, may be way too social, competitive, and confrontational for most introverts, accountants mostly have the autonomy and space introverts need to not be overwhelming.

Some people have told me that being a financial consultant or financial analyst might be a good fit for introverts, and I tend to agree, as long as the depth of your introversion isn’t much. If you become a financial analyst at a Fortune 500 corporation, for example (not recommended for introverts!), you’ll likely be yelled at and have to present to large groups of people on a regular basis, so keep that in mind.

5. Architecture

working in architecture is one of the top jobs for introverts
Working in architecture is one of the top jobs for introverts.

Being an architect is another well-paid and rewarding opportunity well-suited for introverts. Not only are you given the freedom to let your creative mind wander, but you are encouraged to do so as you plan, create, and implement your various building or structural designs.

If you want less human interaction and the most autonomy, you can work at smaller architectural design firms where you might be the sole architect. And, if you prefer or don’t mind a moderate amount of social interaction and communication with others, working at a larger firm on a design team might be right for you. Keep in mind that at the end of many architectural projects, the architect may need to be in communication with the head of construction as they turn these designs into reality. However, often these are usually one-on-ones and don’t require full days doing so.

6. Back-of-House Restaurant Jobs

My professional journey started while I was in high school as a busboy at a local restaurant, a front-of-house job that required a good deal of communication and customer service, more than I had initially thought. That’s a front-of-house position (FOH), just like the host/hostess and the waitstaff. 

When I moved to the back-of-house (BOH) as a dishwasher and as a prep cook, it really appealed to my introverted personality. Washing dishes offered me the opportunity to get “me time” as I could allow my thoughts to run wild as I performed the duties. Being a prep cook was also fun, rewarding, and gave me plenty of chances throughout each shift for me to be alone with my head. BOH restaurant positions are perfect for those only slightly to moderately introverted, as it can still be high-stress and will require communication and interaction.

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7. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing can be a great job for introverted people, and it makes for a fine first job for people with no experience. Coming up with copy for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, or LinkedIn gives your creative side room to let loose and flourish. And, the communication you’re initiating is online and able to be “turned off” when you need your alone time.

While social media marketers may work closely with content creators, marketing managers, or other members of a company, it is often more through written communication and with just one or few colleagues rather than with entire departments or teams, making it ideal for introverts.

8. Librarian or Archivist

Being a librarian might be one of the stereotypical jobs for shy people or introverts, but it does hold a lot of appeal. Libraries are synonymous with quiet spaces, so you’ll almost never feel overwhelmed as far as volume goes. You’ll get a dose of social interaction as you mingle amongst readers and student researchers, but usually you’ll help just one person at a time.

If you like the library atmosphere but require a bit more solitude, consider becoming an archivist. An archivist may be hired in a library, university, nonprofit, or research institution and is responsible for maintaining collections of information, both digital and physical. Some archivists can go days without communicating with another person in their professional capacity, making it a great option for those with tendencies towards higher levels of introversion.

9. Medical Carer

medical work is not often considered when looking for jobs for introverts
While certainly not all of them, there are plenty of careers in the medical field which are suitable jobs for introverts or shy people.

Many medical jobs may involve too many people and too much stress for introverts. However, medical carer jobs, such as home health aides, for instance, may be great options. For the majority of your time, you’ll focus on the comfort, health, and other needs of just one person, making it a great opportunity for those who’d prefer to avoid groups.

10. Engineering or Mechanical Work

If you prefer being able to focus on the task at hand while working with said hands, perhaps engineering or mechanical work would be right for you. Engineers are very well paid, especially in certain specialties. And, it can be quite lucrative for introverts who want to take time to make the right decisions and are more than comfortable with working solo.

Becoming a mechanic could be ideal, as well, depending on where you choose to work. If you’re an automotive mechanic, a busy tire and lube center guaranteeing 5-minute oil changes may not be right, but a small auto body shop or even setting up your own business as a repair person could be a dream opportunity.

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11. Veterinary or Animal Care

Some people disagree that being a veterinarian can be a great job for introverts, as you’ll have to deal with worried pet owners, possibly screaming, stressed, and upset, from time to time. However, for many introverts, veterinary care can be a great source of career satisfaction. You’ll still work with people, yes, so it may not be best for those leaning far over into the introversion side of the spectrum, but the work with animals is meaningful, rewarding, and it comes with plenty of interaction with living beings that doesn’t require verbal communication.

But, if you are more of an introvert that wants a job without the stress, anxiety, and human interaction as much as possible, consider non-medical animal care jobs, such as grooming, pet sitting, employment at a kennel, or being hired at an animal shelter. These will usually come with less opportunity for stress while still working with our furry friends.

Before you call me crazy, let me explain why legal jobs are some of the best careers for introverts. Sure, attorneys are responsible for arguing cases in front of packed courtrooms and stern-looking judges, but there are also many legal tasks and entire legal professions which don’t require this.

According to a years-long study in the United States, New York City to be specific, 60% of lawyers were found to be introverts, believe it or not. And, many of those studied seem to find their introversion particularly helpful in being an excellent lawyer. For paralegals, being an introvert seems to fit like a glove, as you won’t have to worry about being the center of attention as a trial lawyer might. And, even a trial lawyer only gets that oft-dreaded attention once in a long while, as most of the work is research, sifting through data, some more research, and lots of writing.

13. Journalism

The writer John Green once said, “Writing is something you do alone. It’s a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don’t want to make eye contact while doing it.” Just like the other writing jobs, journalism is one of the best jobs for introvertive job seekers. However, just like with all introvert jobs on this list, certain areas will be better suited for you than others. 

If you are really introverted, you could work as an investigative journalist, giving you ample time to reflect and concentrate on your story. If you just get easily distracted and bothered by a busy newsroom, however, you could be a local reporter, walking the streets on your own as you hunt down leads. Just remember that the bigger the news outlet, the more stress there might be (e.g., with deadlines, staff meetings).

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14. Outdoor Jobs 

If you really want to get away from the headaches and energy drain that comes with working with people, consider skipping fauna entirely and working with flora! A number of outdoor and gardening jobs exist which give you minimal exposure to people, including both colleagues and customers. On top of that, working with plants lets you release your creativity through arrangements, landscape design, and other similar tasks, while also giving you time to just contemplate your thoughts.

15. Freelance Work & Remote Jobs

Okay, so freelance work isn’t really an actual job title, but the majority of jobs available can be contracted out to freelance workers. And as a freelancer, you’ll probably get to be remote, taking away one of the biggest burdens for introverts who are actual employees right off the bat. On top of the lack of commotion and crowded offices, you’ll be able to set your own hours, perfect for when you are the type of person who might have their creative or productive streak outside of the regular 9-5!

16. Uber or Delivery Driver

Delivery drivers and Uber drivers (or Bolt, Lyft, etc.) might seem ill-suited for an introverted job seeker, but it may not be as bad as you think. As a delivery driver, whether UPS or Postmates, you’ll have only interaction with Points A and B. All that time in the middle, which is the majority, offers a great opportunity to sort your musings and ideas while you navigate your way to waiting customers. If you want to be an Uber driver, you may have to do more as far as communication, and there’s the higher chance of conflicts to resolve, but those will be few and far between. Consider these delivery or driving jobs when your introversion level is relatively low.

And, if you really want to escape from working with people as much as possible, consider becoming a commercial driver, such as a long-haul truck driver. While moving goods across the country or continent, you’ll get plenty of time for your thoughts in the truck cab, and see amazing scenery all along the way!

17. Other Great Introvert-Friendly Jobs

While the jobs above are some of the best for introverts, it is by no means a complete list. Here are a few other great options for introvert jobs to consider:

  • Researcher or Research Scientist,
  • Translator,
  • Photographer,
  • Copy Editor,
  • Art Curator,
  • Conservationist,
  • Lab Technician,
  • Artist,
  • Interior Designer / Decorator,
  • Data Entry Clerk,
  • Astronomer, 
  • Actuary.

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What Comes Next?

After you decide on the career path of your dreams (congrats, btw!), it’s time to apply, of course!

Read our advice for the best tips on writing a cover letter and actionable advice for writing resumes.

Next, check out our job search tips so you don’t waste your time pounding the pavement endlessly.

Then, learn how to prepare for interviews, what to bring to your interview, and our top tips for acing an interview.

Finally, don’t give up!

Well, that’s it for our guide on the best jobs for introverts, and we hope it helps you locate a career that fits you and your personality! Got any questions, feedback, or other great introvert jobs we should add to our list? Let us know below in the comments, and thanks for reading!

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Christian Eilers
Written By Christian Eilers
is a writer and expert on the topics of education, entrepreneurship, career advice, travel, and culture. On the Goodwall Blog, he covers topics including self-improvement, social impact, college preparation, career development, climate action, and more. Christian is originally from New York City and now resides in Kyiv, Ukraine after living in Warsaw, Poland for the past 4 years. At his desk, you're sure to find Pickwick, his Devon Rex cat, either attacking his fingers as he types or the monitor as the mouse pointer moves around.

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  1. This was so very helpful. I didn’t realize that my 26 year old son was so high on the introversion continuum until I read this article. How you feel about certain working environments describes my son as well. I sent this article to him. Thanks!