Introducing the Virtual Elevator Pitch to Share World-Changing Ideas!

The virtual elevator pitch is a short vertical video for sharing great ideas with Goodwall's 1.5 million members in 170+ countries. Learn how to make your own virtual elevator speech below!

You’re walking down the street, and, all of a sudden, it hits you—

You’ve just come up with a genius idea. 

Maybe you announced it with an “Aha!” or pondered it with a slightly audible “Hmm.” Perhaps you went with the timeless exclamation “Eureka!” Whatever the case may be, you want to share your brilliant idea with the world.


Where do you do that?

Goodwall Introduces the Virtual Elevator Pitch

Goodwall’s latest innovation is the 30-second “virtual elevator pitch,” a vertical video (think TikTok) designed specifically for sharing ideas. The standard elevator pitch has been a great tool for pitching ideas, whether giving a short spiel to a potential investor or chasing an employment opportunity. However, the elevator speech concept has remained unchanged for decades.

The new feature from Goodwall reinvents the elevator pitch to encourage idea-sharing with a modern twist. 

When paired with the incredible Goodwall community of over 1 million members in 150+ countries, it’s a true catalyst for change. Not only do members get a podium to share their ideas, but their ideas receive the visibility, support, and traction needed to take the next step.

The 30-second “virtual elevator pitch” video is a powerful platform to pitch your ideas in a modern way and leverage the Goodwall community to receive feedback and support.

As a method for communicating ideas, the virtual elevator pitch has been compared to Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den. Goodwall’s modern alternative is effective through being community-driven. A Shark Tank viewer watches for the entertainment, but the audience of each virtual elevator pitch plays a crucial role in the process by providing feedback, assistance, and motivation. For many entrepreneurial ideas, the right business partner, mentor, or cofounder may be just around the corner.

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Key Features & Benefits

1. A New Format 

Until now, the only post type Goodwall members were able to share were achievements. This function remains a great way to showcase your proudest wins, but now there’s more. When you click on the central “+” button now, you’ll see “Idea” as an option next to achievement (along with two other features, the “Post” and the “Question”). Use the “Idea” icon to create and share your 30-second virtual elevator pitch.

2. Support & Feedback

Great ideas die if not shared, but they also don’t fare too well without the proper feedback and support. When pitching your idea on Goodwall, you’ll receive communication from the community providing the assistance and encouragement you need to see your idea through to the next steps. The Goodwall community—with over 1 million members from 150+ countries—offers a diverse crowd to use as the ultimate sounding board. On top of that, you’ll get helpful suggestions and constructive criticism to ensure your idea remains on track for success.

3. Visibility & Traction

The extensive network and community at the core of Goodwall means your idea receives the visibility it requires to get noticed by the right people. With a global reach, investment, partnership, and mentorship are moments away for business ideas. For other ideas, such as eliminating carbon emissions, for example, leveraging the Goodwall community allows them to gain traction and overcome obstacles which may hinder progress in other circumstances.

4. Multiple Ways to Get Noticed

Shooting the video for your virtual elevator pitch is quick, easy, and pain-free. Once you’ve completed a video you are happy with, several options are available to make sure your idea gets noticed:

  • A “Title” field for writing a catchy headline to gain members’ attentions;
  • The ability to add keywords to make sure your idea comes up in relevant feeds;
  • An “Idea” banner once published to alert members of your pitch;
  • A powerful comment system to receive support, encouragement, and critique;
  • Automatic message prompting members who’ve watched your video to give feedback.

Related Read: Incubator vs Accelerator: Which One Is Right for Your Startup?

Ideas Are Meant to be Shared

Ideas need to be shared to have any hope of transforming into solutions.

“We’ve got big problems and small problems, from climate change to finding a dog sitter,” says Goodwall’s cofounder, Omar Bawa. “We’ve also got many solutions. But most of those solutions are trapped as ideas. For an idea to become a solution, that idea needs to be shared, it needs feedback and it needs support. You don’t need to be an entrepreneur, all you need is an idea to improve something and the courage to pitch it.”

Ready to give it a go for yourself?

Simply log in to the Goodwall app on your phone (you can download it for iOS and Android). From there, hit the center “+” button located in the action menu at the bottom, and share your ideas with the community! If you need more detailed instructions, have a look at our dedicated blog post on how to pitch an idea on Goodwall.

Your idea may be world-changing, or it may just be a new way for removing a ketchup stain from a white shirt. In any case, share your idea with over 1 million Goodwall members to get the feedback, support, and visibility your idea needs to become an actual solution.

We’re excited to see what you come up with!

Download our app today!

If you want more stories like this, a dose of inspiration, an awesome support network, and a place to share ideas and achievements, the Goodwall app has it all and more.
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Christian Eilers
Written By Christian Eilers
is a writer and expert on the topics of education, entrepreneurship, career advice, travel, and culture. On the Goodwall Blog, he covers topics including self-improvement, social impact, college preparation, career development, climate action, and more. Christian is originally from New York City and now resides in Kyiv, Ukraine after living in Warsaw, Poland for the past 4 years. At his desk, you're sure to find Pickwick, his Devon Rex cat, either attacking his fingers as he types or the monitor as the mouse pointer moves around.

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